City of West Sacramento
Home MenuBroadway Bridge Project
California Department of Transportation signs Finding of No Significant Impact
On August 31, 2022, Caltrans signed the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. The Final Environmental Impact Report, Environmental Assessment, and FONSI can be found below.
City of Sacramento Approves Preliminary Design
On Tuesday, August 30, the Sacramento City Council adopted a Resolution: 1) certifying the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and adopting the Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring Plan; and 2) approving the preliminary plans for the Broadway Bridge Project.
City Council Approves Next Steps
On May 18, 2022, the City Council approved Resolution 22-43 (Agenda Report Attachment 1). This means that the City Council certified the Final Environmental Impact Report, approved Alignment B as the Locally Preferred Alignment (Agenda Report Attachment 1, Exhibit C), adopted Findings of Fact and a Statement of Overriding Considerations (Agenda Report Attachment 1, Exhibit A), adopted the environmental Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (Agenda Report Attachment 1, Exhibit B), and approved the Preliminary Engineering Plans and Project Report (Agenda Report Attachment 1, Exhibit D).
Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact:
Signed Broadway Bridge_1_FEIR_EA_wFONSI
Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact Appendixes:
Mitigation Monitoring Plan:
Finding of No Adverse Effect:
Finding of Fact Statement & Statement of Overriding Considerations:
Draft Project Report:
- A. Location Map
- B1. GAD_B_20210630
- B2. GAD_C_20210630
- C1. 11-Page Preliminary Cost Estimate - B Alignment-20220411
- C2. 11-Page Preliminary Cost Estimate - C Alignment-20220411
- D. Bridge Type Selection Report 2020-03-09
- E1. BB_ROW Acquisition Exhibit Alt B-Interim-ROW Acquisition Alt B-Interim_20210630
- E3. BB_ROW Acquisition Exhibit Alt C-Interim-ROW Acquisition Alt C-Interim_20210630
- E4. BB_ROW Acquisition Exhibit Alt C-Ultimate-ROW Acquisition Alt C-Ultimate_20210630
- F. Final_Transportation_Report_2020-06-08
- F2. BB_ROW Acquisition Exhibit Alt B-Ultimate-ROW Acquisition Alt B-Ultimate_20210630
- G. 2202-1 Broadway Bridge Risk Assessment Draft Report _v1
- H. Broadway Bridge- Alignment Memo-2020-03-17
- I. Pioneer Bluff Broadway Bridge Integration Memo
- J. USCG 2018-01-09_Clearance_Req_Alternative_Spans
- K. BB Public Outreach
Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment
Notice of document availability
Request for Proposals
Prebid Meeting Sign-in Sheet
- Sign-in Sheet
- Proposal/Project Questions and Responses
- Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting for the Broadway Bridge Project
Inter-agency Cooperative Agreement
Additional Information
For further information and for questions that you would like answered, please contact Jason McCoy by email, phone, or mail at the following:
Jason McCoy, AICP
Supervising Transportation Planner
Community Development Department
1110 West Capitol Ave
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Telephone: (916) 617-4832
Broadway Bridge Project
The cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento are developing preliminary engineering concepts for a new bridge across the Sacramento River downstream of the Pioneer Bridge. The bridge will connect South River Road on the west landing and Broadway on the east landing.
The new bridge will be defined as “neighborhood friendly” per the Sacramento Area Council of Governments. The context of being a neighborhood friendly bridge was adopted by the City of Sacramento in October of 2011 and accepted by the City of West Sacramento with acceptance of the Sacramento River Crossings Alternatives Study. The new bridge must accommodate a future streetcar alignment, and must be a movable span structure to accommodate river traffic. In order to provide increased access between cities for all modes, the bridge design must also include infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.
Project History
The Broadway Bridge Project is based upon the recommendations from the Sacramento River Crossings Alternatives Study completed in 2011 and the Broadway Bridge Feasibility Study completed in 2015. The River Crossings Alternatives Study identified eight potential crossing locations separated in the North, Central, and South market areas. The cities are focusing on the north and south market areas at this time. The proposed Broadway Bridge location is in the South market area.
In the North market area, a new bridge is anticipated to connect C Street in West Sacramento with Rail yards Boulevard in Sacramento, just upstream from the historic I Street Bridge. Preliminary engineering and environmental studies are currently in progress for this new Sacramento River crossing.
The Broadway Bridge Project Team is coordinating with other on-going projects to enhance and improve the cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento including.
- Broadway Complete Streets Plan
- Riverfront Redevelopment (Both Sides of the Sacramento River)
- The Riverfront Street Extension (Currently in Design, Construction in 18 Months)
- Pioneer Bluff Transition Plan (Complete)
- Pioneer Bluff De-industrialization Implementation (On-going with 7-10 Year Estimated Date of Completion)
- Pioneer Bluff Master Plan (Anticipated Adoption With Environmental in 2018)
Costs and Funding
The City of West Sacramento was awarded a $1.5 million federal U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER VI grant to fund the environmental and preliminary engineering phase. The cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento are each contributing $750,000 as local matches, for a total of $3 million.
Future funding is currently being sought for final design, additional public participation and outreach, right-of-way acquisition, and construction. Funding could come from a variety of local, state, and federal sources.
The two and a half year Broadway Bridge Project will evaluate the proposed bridge alignments, study the potential bridge types and landing alternatives, and complete preliminary engineering and environmental documentation for the project.
The project team anticipates the project approval and environmental documentation (PA/ED) to be completed by the end of 2019. Following the preliminary designs, the cities expect the final design and Right-of-Way acquisition to begin in 2025 and continue until 2030. Both cities anticipate construction to be completed between 2030 and 2035. These phases and schedule are dependent on future funding.
Community Involvement
The Broadway Bridge Project includes a robust community engagement program to inform and involve community members of both cities throughout the process. Sign up to receive email updates.
Community Open House - July 27, 2017
The Cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento hosted a joint open house to kick off the environmental assessment of the Broadway Bridge. This meeting provided an opportunity for the public to share comments or considerations related to the project’s potential environmental effects. More than 70 community member attended the community open house at Health Professions High school on July 27 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. A summary of feedback is now available here.
Riverfront Renaissance - June 14, 2017
The Cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento hosted a community outreach event to discuss projects happening along the Downtown Riverfront on Wednesday, June 14 at the West Sacramento Corporation Yard. More than 235 community members attended to learn about the Broadway Bridge project, Stone Lock, Pioneer Bluff, the I Street Bridge, Miller Park, Broadway Complete Streets and much more. Click here for a summary of the event and feedback.
Jesse Gothan, City of Sacramento Project Manager
Funding and Project Development - Engineering Services
City of Sacramento - Department of Public Works
Jason McCoy, AICP
Supervising Transportation Planner
Community Development Department
1110 West Capitol Ave
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Telephone: (916) 617-4832
Broadway Bridge Feasibility Study
Project Description
The cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento are studying the feasibility of a new two to four-lane bridge consistent with the 2011 Sacramento River Crossings Study, located across the Sacramento River downstream from the U.S. 50 Pioneer Bridge. The approximate location will connect South River Road on the west landing and Broadway on the east landing.
The 10-month feasibility study will identify alternatives and conceptual costs for crossing alignments and feasibility of bridge types and circulation. It will also determine high-level benefits, impacts, and regulatory considerations, and will provide opportunities for initial community input. The Broadway Bridge Feasibility Study project team is also coordinating with other on-going projects within the cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento, including:
- Broadway Complete Streets Plan
- SHRA Redevelopment of Marina Vista and Alder Grove Neighborhoods
- Downtown Transportation Study (Sac Grid 2.0)
- Bridge District Developments
- Pioneer Bluff De-Industrialization Implementation and Master Plan
Project History
The Broadway Bridge Feasibility study is based upon the recommendations from the Sacramento River Crossings Alternatives Study prepared in 2011. The planning process of nearly one-year included five stakeholder group meetings, an extensive outreach and education campaign, field tours and a community workshop seeking input related to community values, local issues and circulation preferences.
The approach to the design of the bridge follows "neighborhood friendly" design concepts acknowledged by both cities with the acceptance of the Sacramento River Crossings Alternatives Study. Future design concepts will seek to accomplish the following:
- Primarily serve local trips
- Serve all forms of transportation including bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists, low-energy vehicles, bus and light rail transit
- Provide architecturally pleasing and contextually appropriate design aesthetics and dimensions
- Accommodate future traffic flows through approach roadways without significant widening
- Avoid direct connection to primarily residential streets
Subsequent Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) Phase
The City of West Sacramento was awarded a $1.5 million federal U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER VI grant to fund environmental analysis and preliminary engineering following the Broadway Bridge Feasibility Study. The cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento are each contributing $750,000 as local matches, for a total of $3 million toward this next phase of the Broadway Bridge Project. The PA&ED phase will include extensive public participation and outreach, refined traffic analysis, environmental analysis and more refined bridge engineering concepts. Funding for future phases including Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), right-of-way acquisition, and construction are being sought from a variety of local, state and federal sources.
Project Schedule
The first phase of the project, the Broadway Bridge Feasibility Study, will conclude December 2015. It is anticipated that the next phase of the project will commence March 2016. The project team expects to initiate the final design and right-of-way acquisition by 2020, with construction completion between 2025 and 2030. All phases are dependent on future funding.
Broadway Bridge Draft Technical Memos
- Draft Conceptual Alignments Technical Memo
- Draft Conceptual Bridge Alternatives Technical Memo
- Traffic Analysis Draff Technical Memo
- Draft Preliminary Hydraulics Technical Memo
- Draft Preliminary Geotechnical Memo
- Draft Preliminary Environmental Technical Memo
- Draft Funding Technical Memo
- Draft Preliminary Cost Estimate Technical Memo
Executive Summary
- Broadway Bridge Feasibility Study Executive Summary
- Executive Summary Attachment 1 (LPCA Letter)
- Executive Summary Attachment 2 (Tom Trzinski Consulting Letter)
- Appendix A - River Crossings Study (2011)
- Appendix B - TIGER Grant Application (2014)
- Appendix C - Feasibility Study Outreach Summary
Final Technical Memos
- Conceptual Alignments Technical Memo
- Conceptual Bridge Alternatives Technical Memo
- Traffic Analysis
- Preliminary Hydraulics
- Geotechnical and Constructability
- Environmental Considerations
- Hazardous Materials
- Local, State and Federal Funding
- Cost Estimate
Community Outreach
Community Open House
The cities and the project team hosted a community open house on Thursday, July 23, 2015 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Leataata Floyd Elementary School in Sacramento. The open house provided an opportunity for the community to learn more about the project and provide feedback on several elements of the study. More than 80 community members attended and 24 community members submitted feedback via comment cards about the need or desire for the crossing, connections or traffic, bike and pedestrian access, bridge design, environmental concerns, community outreach, other relevant projects, or alternate bridge locations.
Jason McCoy, AICP
Supervising Transportation Planner
Community Development Department
1110 West Capitol Ave
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Telephone: (916) 617-4832
Jesse Gothan, City of Sacramento Project Manager
Funding and Project Development - Engineering Services
City of Sacramento - Department of Public Works